Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Golf therapy

My therapy is golf, how you say? Well it's exercise, relaxes the mind by forgetting your problems, temporally, hitting the little white ball gets rid of your anger issues, without hurting anyone. Helps you fall asleep, by replaying the days golf game in your mind. You make great friends, learn more about life from other peoples experiences.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I Wonder

How long does it take to get to heaven?

Does your soul or spirit leave your body before they pronounce you dead? Are we in a hurry to go to heaven or that place which ever religion you are, tells you your are going. ? These are some questions that I wonder about while I lay trying to fall asleep sometimes. But recently my wife's aunt passed away and she said to me, "how long does it take to get to heaven", now I couldn't answer her, but it has had me thinking about it. I guess it depends on your inner feeling for that person who has passed from this life to "heaven". There is no time table or someone who is going to call and let you know that that person has arrived. Do you have to be a person of the church, as they say, or a brilliant scholar to answer these questions? It may sound silly to ask but sometimes when I think of all the loved ones who have passed, especially my mother, my heart aches and I hope that they were in heaven before they felt any pain.
Sometimes I wish someone would call and say, "we are here and we are fine". I think I feel this way because I'm getting older and I don't want to miss anything, especially my grandchildren growing up.
When I go I will let you know, "how long it takes to get to heaven".

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Disney World

I am looking foward to our trip to disney world. We have been there a few times, but this time as grandparents taking two of seven grandchildren. The two oldest boys. I'm more excited because they both have never been there before. The first trip is always the best, you remember more and it's exciting, for them. Of course we always enjoy a trip. Driving to Florida might be a little more of a challenge, are we there yet? But I think we can make it fun, because Grammy is more fun than Grampy. "I'm known as Grumpy." Don't get me wrong my grandchildren love, but they know how to push my buttons.
Wish us good luck and lots of fun, I'll be back.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Grandma's Hands

Her hands were soft and smooth like fresh sheets on a bed. You just want to touch and slide your hands all over them. She wore a wedding band that seemed to be on her finger forever, it was thin and very worn. Grandma was old in years but her hands were young, strong, gentle and very talented. Her finger nails were trim and pink, I don't think I ever saw her wear finger nail polish.
She could sew and knit faster than I could count, well I was only in the first grade. She could pluck the feathers off a dead chicken with the strength of any man and twice as fast. But gently hold my chubby cheeks and kiss me good night. And there were times, not to many, she would spank me so hard I thought it was a board she hit me with. As grandma got older spots started to show on top of her hands, of course these are age spots. My grandchildren ask me what the spots are, I just tell them that they are freckles. Hey they don't have to know everything about being old, they are still young. Maybe when they grow up they will remember grandma's and grandpa's hands.

Now when I cook and see these spots on my hands I think of my Grandma's Hands.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Reunion time

The start of the reunion has begun, now is the time to hide your children and anything that can be eaten. With all the food we have we could open a kitchen and feed an army. The weather is staying nice and warm, shit it's hot. I'll be back later when more people show up. We have Tom and Stella, Bob and Helena, Tyler, Arlene, George, Kathy and Alie.
I really haven't been keeping tract who has been and gone but I do know there are a lot of people in and around the house. I hope every one had a great time. There was swimming in the pool, horse shoes, bocce ball, badminton and watching all the children playing. We had to much food, so we sent some of what was left over to the meal barrel for those less fortunate than us. If I could remember all the names I would list them, but I'm afraid I would forget someone so I won't, for now. If I
learn how to upload pictures I'll add them later. For now everything went great.