Friday, October 30, 2009

Grandma's Hands

Her hands were soft and smooth like fresh sheets on a bed. You just want to touch and slide your hands all over them. She wore a wedding band that seemed to be on her finger forever, it was thin and very worn. Grandma was old in years but her hands were young, strong, gentle and very talented. Her finger nails were trim and pink, I don't think I ever saw her wear finger nail polish.
She could sew and knit faster than I could count, well I was only in the first grade. She could pluck the feathers off a dead chicken with the strength of any man and twice as fast. But gently hold my chubby cheeks and kiss me good night. And there were times, not to many, she would spank me so hard I thought it was a board she hit me with. As grandma got older spots started to show on top of her hands, of course these are age spots. My grandchildren ask me what the spots are, I just tell them that they are freckles. Hey they don't have to know everything about being old, they are still young. Maybe when they grow up they will remember grandma's and grandpa's hands.

Now when I cook and see these spots on my hands I think of my Grandma's Hands.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Reunion time

The start of the reunion has begun, now is the time to hide your children and anything that can be eaten. With all the food we have we could open a kitchen and feed an army. The weather is staying nice and warm, shit it's hot. I'll be back later when more people show up. We have Tom and Stella, Bob and Helena, Tyler, Arlene, George, Kathy and Alie.
I really haven't been keeping tract who has been and gone but I do know there are a lot of people in and around the house. I hope every one had a great time. There was swimming in the pool, horse shoes, bocce ball, badminton and watching all the children playing. We had to much food, so we sent some of what was left over to the meal barrel for those less fortunate than us. If I could remember all the names I would list them, but I'm afraid I would forget someone so I won't, for now. If I
learn how to upload pictures I'll add them later. For now everything went great.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Reunion time approaches

Here we are in July warm and sunny, that's right I said warm. We haven't had to many hot days yet. I'm guessing the heat will hit us on the weekend of the family reunion. That would be great then everyone can swim and enjoy the summer the way it was intended. Cooking on the grill this year will be a pleasure. I tried out our new grill and it's easy to cook and it's easy to clean, to me that is all that matters. That way I can enjoy the company, even if they are relatives. I was going to plan the games, but I think it would be better if we just enjoyed each other and let the games happen naturally. I think there will be more children than adults. Maybe someone will have another family reunion next year, I'm not opposed to traveling and staying in a motel. We do have more relatives that can't or won't come and for that I am sad, I think it's important to stay in touch with your family and tell all the children stories about when we were young and growing up.
I will be taking a lot of pictures and posting them on Facebook as soon as I can.
Can you tell I'm excited about this reunion stuff. Hope everyone has a good time.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Thank You

It seems that the poor never get a break. Let me explain:
I come from a poor background, not that I suffered by being poor, but we didn't have much in the way of money. We went to bargain basement stores, church bazaar's and even hand me downs from the family. Today the poor are homeless, jobless and when you donate clothes, the poor, today's poor have to pay for the donated clothes. To me that is not quite right. You donate clothes to the church, some churches don't accept donations, they sell the clothes and keep the money to support the church. Is the church poor to? You donate to the goodwill, they put the clothes on hangers and sell them, where does the money go? I'm not sure. Is there any place that does not accept money for clothes that have been given for the poor that don't have money? When I donate my goods freely I except them to be given freely to those in need, not to make a profit.
It just burns my toast to see people making money when they know, that the people they accept it from don't have much or none in some cases. I have been blessed all my life, worked, served my country, paid my taxes and loved. I'm not rich or poor but I am thankful for what I do have. It feels good to give a little to those who have nothing.

Thank You

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rain again

Well it stopped raining for awhile but wouldn't you know it would start up again when I'm playing golf. I thought it never rained on Tuesday, only on weekends. When I was one of the work force it seemed to rain only on Saturday and Sunday now that I'm retired it only rains when I'm playing golf, Tuesdays, unbelievable. Well the grass, weeds and flowers are happy anyway. Getting ready for a mini vacation to New England and beyond. Lot of driving but it's worth it for the time away with my sweetheart, adults only. I think next trip we'll take our grandson, it so wants to go to New
England. Don't ask me why, but I think he wants to get away from his sister for awhile. Just a wild guess. Got to go get my pants fitted, length only the waist is fine for now.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Rain drops

Well it finally stopped raining long enough for me to cut the grass. What a job that was, the grass was so high I lost the mower twice. But I found it long enough to finish the cutting. The trimming will have to wait for a better day, soon I hope.
Went out for supper at the club, the food was great and so were the portions. Can't beat the prices there. I think we'll go tomorrow night for lobster tail and steak. It's a Mother's Day special all weekend.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Family Reunion

Watching Rachel, Martha and the Today Show can teach how to cook and please anyone in your circle of friends and family. This July will be the test of all the cooking tricks we have watched over the past few months.
Your best critic is your family, because they will be honest, believe me my family is very honest when it come to food. We are hoping to have a lot of people to come and visit, some we haven't seen in more than a year. Lots of children, I love it. I'm working on a book of the family genealogy , history, pictures and all kinds of dates. Of course I'm not doing this all alone, just the printing part.
I've had a lot of input from cousins and researching the internet. Don't have everything I'd like to have but for now maybe the rest of the family will get more interested and find something interesting to add to the BOOK.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Today I am a newbee blogger, god help me if I don't know what I am doing. I love to write but never know what to write about. I have all kinds of stories in my head, just don't know how to put them on the damn paper.